The Mesh-Cop Prototype

 Director David Chaste reviewed the file on his computer screen while ME81 slurped away at his cock under the desk.  This was exactly what he had been trying to establish since he had dragged the Female Experimental Modification Division out of the basement of the DFA where it was wasting time on new and innovative nipple clamps and turned it into the most advanced neurocybernetic research lab in the world.  

The same DFA that had treated FEMD as a joke was now coming to him, hat in hand, to participate in his prototype cyber mesh program.  Inter-departmental cooperation would be vital to secure new funding and the DFA would be critical if his plans for mandatory Mesh-Implantation in all females were ever approved.  The DFA would be the ones doing the collection and delivery to the Mesh-Clinics he wanted to see in every hospital in the Empire.   A model for the future of the rest of the world.   

David Chaste imagined a world where no living woman had free will and he released his seed into ME81’s mouth with a satisfied sigh.  

That new world would begin today, with one “CuntCop” 

According to the DFA Personality profile, she was a fairly good girl as far as cunts go.  Obedient, did her duty, was useful in infiltration.   The profile stung him a little as he remembered his failures with MilkyTits.  He though she was undercontrol thanks to  the earlier Submit.SIR implant they had put in her head.  What a failure that turned out to be! Reports are that after she had murdered Director Chaste’s right hand man, Carter, she had just liberated an entire GHS Hucow Farm near the frontlines of the war.  Almost half the hucows and their offspring were able to escape through to FRA/FLF lines!  Many were killed in the attempt, but Imperial military attempts to secure them had caused a skirmish with FLF fighters creating the window the rest needed.  Of the 200 Hucows that had been liberated, only two dozen were back in their milking racks, most of them having already been hobbled by full conversion though DIrector Chaste suspected that they were decoys for the rest.  None of the Children were recovered.  

No,  Submit.SIR’s limited interface with the Limbic system was incomplete.  David knew now that only complete subversion of willpower was the answer.  CuntCop would receive a full NeuroMesh, giving her DFA handlers complete control of her brain.  They could manipulate her emotions, arousal, pain, and pleasure senses, just like Submit.SIR could, but the Mesh also let them access her memories, her cognition, her motor functions, even her vision.  She would remember what they wanted her to remember, See what they wanted her to see, and even decide how they wanted her to decide.  They could even turn parts of her brain off at will.  Reading, Speaking, Walking, even thinking could be shut down temporarily at the press of a button.  

The Lab called the implanted subjects “Mesh Puppets” and Director Chaste never objected.  It was exactly what he intended.  What God intended.  He gave Eve to Adam to serve him.  It wasn’t until the serpent gave her the fruit of knowledge did Eve gain free will and break Adam’s dominion.  Director Chaste was finally healing the world of original sin.  He would be sainted for this, he knew.  

ME81 had licked him clean and was crawling out from under his desk.  “You’re beautiful” David said to her.  

“Thank you master” she replied.  

Sandra had been such a fighter.  A Matriarchy advisor to the FRA, the woman had been accustomed to the life of a goddess, and had come to teach women to kill men.  When she was captured, she never stopped fighting and would have ended up as another Limbless cocksleve with the other troublemakers, but David had seen the potential and plucked her out of the Cocksleve Conversion lab.  If Sandra could be come the compliant cum-guzzling ME81, any woman could.  

Across the room, Deborah 2 was washing off the original Deborah with a sponge.  The two looking at eachother in disbelief.  The sight gave him an idea.   He opened up his email

To: DFA CuntCop Supervisor 

From: FEMD Director David Chaste 

Subject: CuntCop Failsafe 


After so many years, it’s nice to colaborate with you again.  I think you will be very satisfied with CuntCop when we are done.

I wanted to bring up an option you may not have considered since the technique is still in Pre-Alpha phase and we have kept it quiet.  

How would you like a CuntCop backup? 

While she was here, we could keep her for one extra day and extract a full memory and personality imprint.   We’ll put her on disk for you!  That way, if anything happens to CuntCop, rather than train a new one, you can just bring any slavegirl, have her Meshed and implanted with the imprint and you will have your CuntCop again.  

Heck, you could make an entire force of CuntCops for the low price of some common Hucow grade cunts.   

Think it over!  


Director David Chaste 

Female Experimental Modification Division.    
